Hani Farah
Hani helps investors recover financial assets lost to fraud, drawing on years of experience advising several of the world’s largest institutional investors in securities fraud class and opt-out options.
Hani helps investors recover financial assets lost to fraud, drawing on years of experience advising several of the world’s largest institutional investors in securities fraud class and opt-out options.
Hani Farah is a senior associate in DiCello Levitt’s San Diego office and a part of the Securities and Financial Services Litigation practice. Hani advises investors who have suffered losses due to fraud in the securities markets and has nearly 10 years of experience litigating securities fraud class action cases. He also advises and represents institutional investors with respect to individual securities actions, providing investors with options for recovery of their investment losses outside of class actions.
Prior to joining DiCello Levitt, Hani practiced at two leading national securities litigation law firms and collaborated with and learned from some of the best securities fraud class action lawyers in the country. He has served on litigation teams that successfully prosecuted securities fraud class actions against corporations in the insurance, health care, and veterinary industries, securing tens of millions of dollars in settlements. He also played a critical role in the representation of institutional investors in numerous securities opt-out cases, including actions against Valeant Pharmaceuticals, American Realty Capital Properties, Teva Pharmaceuticals, and Symantec Corporation, among others. Additionally, Hani has significant experience advising investors on international securities matters, including shareholder actions in Europe, Asia, South America, and Australia.
Hani graduated cum laude from the University of California, San Diego, where he studied political science and history, before earning his law degree from the University of San Diego School of Law in 2015, also graduating cum laude. He has been recognized by the National Trial Lawyers as a Top 40 Under 40 Civil Plaintiffs’ Lawyer in the state of California.