Greg Asciolla
Greg focuses on litigating complex antitrust class actions challenging monopolies, price fixing cartels, and other anticompetitive conduct.
Greg focuses on litigating complex antitrust class actions challenging monopolies, price fixing cartels, and other anticompetitive conduct.
Greg Asciolla is a partner in DiCello Levitt’s New York office, where he serves as Chair of the Firm’s Antitrust and Competition Litigation Practice, Managing Partner of the New York Office, and Co-Chair of the DEI Committee. Greg focuses on representing businesses, public pension funds, and health and welfare funds in complex antitrust and commodities class actions, including price-fixing, monopolization, commodities manipulation, pay-for-delay agreements, and other anticompetitive practices. He also has successfully represented, pro bono, three Ugandan LGBTQ clients seeking asylum in the U.S.
Recovering billions on behalf of his clients, Greg leads extensive investigations into potential anticompetitive conduct, often resulting in first-to-file cases. Prior to joining DiCello Levitt, Greg chaired a nationally-recognized antitrust practice group as a partner and oversaw significant growth in group size, leadership appointments, cases filed, investigations, and reputation. He also served as a partner in the antitrust practice group at a top-ranked AmLaw100 firm. Greg began his career as an attorney at the U.S. Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division.
Greg is regularly appointed to leadership positions in major antitrust cases in federal courts throughout the United States, including Generic Drugs Pricing Antitrust Litigation, European Government Bonds Antitrust Litigation, Platinum and Palladium Antitrust Litigation, Surescripts Antitrust Litigation, Crop Inputs Antitrust Litigation, Opana ER Antitrust Litigation, Borozny v. Raytheon, Fusion Elite v. Varsity Brands, and Novartis and Par Antitrust Litigation.
Named a “Titan of the Plaintiffs Bar” by Law360 as well as a leading plaintiffs’ competition lawyer by Global Competition Review and Chambers USA, Greg is often recognized for his experience and involvement in high-profile cases. He has been named one of the “Leading Plaintiff Financial Lawyers in America” by Lawdragon, a “Litigation Star” by Benchmark Litigation, and a “Leading Lawyer” and a “Next Generation Lawyer” by The Legal 500, with sources describing him as “very effective plaintiffs’ counsel” and “always act[ing] with a good degree of professionalism.”
Greg makes substantial contributions to the antitrust bar. In 2016, he was elected to the Executive Committee of the New York State Bar Association Antitrust Law Section, where he currently serves as the Finance Officer. He also currently serves as Vice-Chair of the ABA’s Diversity.Advanced Committee, Co-Chairman of the Antitrust and Trade Regulation Committee of the New York County Lawyers’ Association and Treasurer and Membership Director of the Committee to Support the Antitrust Laws. Greg is an annual invitee of the exclusive Antitrust Forum, serves as the U.S. representative to the Business & Banking Litigation Network, and is on the Advisory Board of the American Antitrust Institute.